Financial Planning Process

Our financial planning process is designed to offer long term support and guidance to you. Some of this process will be visible to you in discussions with your adviser and much will be a Progressive team effort.

  • 1. Client Engagement

    Your financial adviser will find out what you want and gain an understanding of your preferences, plans, goals and concerns. This first step is all about you, not your money. It also gives you a chance to get to know us as well.

  • 2. Discovery

    We'll then establish your current financial position. This will include working out your assets and liabilities, income and expenses (both currently and future expectations).

  • 3. Analysis & Research

    At this stage, your financial adviser will assess all the information they've gathered and consider what is working and what can be improved. We’ll brainstorm to make sure we use the collective expertise of our team.

  • 4. Presentation

    We'll deliver a written report, including justifications for the recommendations we have made. You'll then agree with your financial planner on how you wish to move forward.

  • 5. Implementation

    Your adviser and the wider Progressive team will take on the responsibility of putting any changes into action. This may include us working collaboratively with other professionals or coordinating where we need your input.

  • 6. Review

    The process doesn’t stop at implementation. Your financial adviser will reassess your plan regularly to make sure it continues to work for you taking account of the ever changing investment environment, your changing circumstances and objectives.

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What we do

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To arrange a meeting with one of our advisers, call us on 01452 311 336. Or send us your contact details and we’ll get back to you.

For more information about how we use your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.